10 metre wide folding sliding door for Reinthalmühle

As part of the modernization of the sawmill site of Reinthalmühle Holzverarbeitungs GmbH in Straß im Attergau, near Lake Attersee, ALPGATE delivered a custom-made sliding folding door.

As part of the modernization of the sawmill site of Reinthalmühle Holzverarbeitungs GmbH in Straß im Attergau, near Lake Attersee, ALPGATE delivered a custom-made sliding folding door. The gate, with a width of 10 meters and a height of 6 meters, was specially tailored to meet the requirements of the operation. The lower part is made of wood, while the upper part is made of tempered ESG glass, providing a light-filled working environment.

A central goal of the modernization is the integration of sustainable and resource-efficient processes. The sawmill utilizes leftover wood to produce biochar, which can be used as a soil enhancer or energy source. This supports the circular economy and improves the company’s carbon footprint.

The sliding folding gate from ALPGATE meets high technical standards: durable, robust, low-maintenance, and quiet. It facilitates work processes and seamlessly integrates into the site, enhancing the functionality and aesthetics of the modernized operation.

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