18 x 3.6 metre and 8 x 3.6 metre sliding folding doors for high-tech companies.

For a high-tech company near Munich, ALPGATE supplied two state-of-the-art sliding folding doors for a final assembly box.

For a high-tech company near Munich, ALPGATE supplied two state-of-the-art sliding folding doors for a final assembly box. These doors impress with their generous dimensions of 18 x 3.6 meters and 8 x 3.6 meters, as well as their minimalist design. They provide ample space for the smooth transport of goods and products.


ALPGATE sliding folding doors are quiet, durable, robust, and low-maintenance—ideal for large glass surfaces and the highest demands.

The doors installed here consist of a steel construction with ESG safety insulating glass, which not only ensures maximum safety but also creates bright, open, and spacious interiors in the final assembly box.

Learn more about the diverse possibilities of our door solutions: https://www.alpgate.com/produkte/

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