More Light and Transparency with new folding door for LBW Prack

By replacing the old roller shutter door with a modern folding door with glass infill, plenty of light now streams into the workshops of LBW Prack Wien.

By replacing the old roller shutter door with a modern folding door with glass infill, plenty of light now streams into the workshops of LBW Prack Wien. These workshops offer extensive services such as tail lift service for trucks, repairs, inspections, and tire changes for cars.

ALPGATE delivered a large, fully glazed folding door measuring 9,100 mm x 5,000 mm. The eight-panel door is equipped with ESG safety insulating glass, and the frames are coated in RAL 7016. Additionally, the door features an integrated wicket door with a minimal threshold.

ALPGATE folding doors are characterized by their durability, robustness, and low maintenance. Another advantage of the folding doors is the minimal space requirement when opened and the fast opening times.

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