
We collect up to us to produce doors of the highest quality at a constant level and thus to win customers all over the world for us to claim.

A high level of flexibility and the ability to respond to unusual special requirements have made Alpgate a reliable and trustworthy partner. Without a doubt, our greatest strength lies in the fact that there are practically no set standards for us. Every gate that leaves our production facility in beautiful South Tyrol is made to measure and is therefore unique. Our options open up almost unlimited approaches to solutions for the wishes of our customers. These special requests are our challenge.

Find out more about our successfully completed projects and let yourself be inspired.

Space-saving folding door for a garage in Kärnten
The folding door was mounted outside the reveal, opens inwards, allowing for space-saving utilization of the area. One element can be used as a walk-through door, while the other two elements slide to the side by 180 degrees, thus not occupying any additional space.

Mission fire Department.

Fire doors are our specialty. Architecture and design combined with functionality and technology. For the highest demands on aesthetics and functionality!


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In unserer Galerie zeigen wir Ihnen die vielfältigen, bereits realisierten Bauvorheben. Zahlreiche Falttore, Schiebetore, Schiebefalttore und auch außergewöhnliche Sondertore haben wir gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden und Partnern realisiert.

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