Renovation of the University Hospital Rostock

As part of the renovation measures at the University Hospital Rostock, ALPGATE supplied a total of ten folding doors specifically adapted to meet the requirements of a hospital environment.

As part of the renovation measures at the University Hospital Rostock, ALPGATE supplied a total of ten folding doors specifically adapted to meet the requirements of a hospital environment. The doors were installed at various access points, contributing to a safe and functional entryway for emergency and service vehicles.

Fire Brigade Access According to DIN 14092
For the fire brigade entrances, ALPGATE provided doors that meet the requirements of DIN 14092. These doors offer high opening speeds to enable rapid deployment in emergency situations and avoid delays in response times.

Fast Access for Ambulances
The entrances for ambulances are also equipped with custom-made doors that ensure quick opening, thereby guaranteeing immediate access for emergency vehicles when needed, which supports the smooth flow of emergency operations.

Additionally, fully glazed folding doors were installed in the connecting corridors between the various hospital areas. These real glass doors are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing: they blend harmoniously into the hospital’s architecture, creating an open, light-filled ambiance. Thanks to the threshold-free design, they provide barrier-free access and facilitate smooth transitions between hospital areas for pedestrians, patients, and staff alike. This creates a pleasant atmosphere that meets the practical needs of a modern hospital.

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